Monday, 14 February 2011

Preliminary Task

Above, is my front cover for my School Magazine. In my opinion, it isn't really that good quality and it doesn't really look that professional. However, I feel strangely proud of it as it is quite formal and seems like a decent piece of work considering I haven't had much time to work on it. I especially like the school badge in the top left as it overlaps other layers at sticks out quite a lot. I also quite like the colour scheme as it matches the schools colours and separates to page quite well. I have also done a contents page for my prelinary task but Blogger doesn't want to upload that for some reason so I'll hopefully be able to upload it later or the next time I come on here. Toodle Pip.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Oxfam Advert

A couple weeks ago I made an Oxfam advert for fairtrade food. I used some simple Photoshop techniques to create my finished advert. I don't think it is very good as I rushed it and I didn't really give it much effort as it was only a practise exercise before we started out front covers.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

School Prospectus

In todays lesson I annotated a few school magazines. I have uploaded all of them below so you can see what I have written about each one. Next week I will probably upload a few magazine covers that I have done at home.
In the Newsman magazine, which is aimed towards students that have left the University of Birmingham ...